
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WoW Mobile Auction House Back Up - Account Security Warning

As of 4:00 PM CST I can access the Mobile Auction House and have successfully posted an auction, I haven't seen any official notifications.

oh and there it is... of course twitter, duh

Some more stories....

Account Security Warning
Security and Titan tease

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Poop on Sim City

Yeah yeah I'm a masochist, but I keep thinking at some point EA & Maxis will actually deliver a working game even if it's months after I bought it.

But not yet.

Backed up pipes you say? Ok I'll bite.

  • Hmm says I have excess capacity, it's in the green not even yellow...
  • Hmmmm no waste being collected from another city...
  • Hmmmmmmmm the roads don't look like there's enough volume that it's a rate of flow issue...

So what's the deal?

I try the forums and any guide I can find.  The consensus answer is just plop another outflow pipe, don't worry about why.


I realize that is a fairly obvious solution, and yes I assume this will get Mr. Poop to go away.  But that's not my point, it's the principal of the thing!  If there are no indicators to suggest that there is a real problem with the city, (except for the incessant nattering of Hard Hat Harry) this isn't much of a simulation or even a city management game.

After my third meteor strike in 2 years in one town and then two alien invasions within about six months in another, even the random events don't seem all that random.

The game in it's current form is a collection of events you react to with a specific canned response.  Oh fun.

I've loved you Sim City for too long to give up without a fight.  Remember what we once were, we can have that again if only you try!

More on the auction house hack

Auction House Hacks Confirmed - VG24/7
Mobile Armory Access Suspended - Softpedia

My account was compromised years ago even after having the authenticator.  Given the relative rarity of any individual getting hacked, I'm not sure they actually do anything to prevent these guys.

When I use mobile my password required a manual reset constantly for suspicious activity given that there are 6 municipalities that I can pass through in a day.  Little does WoW know these towns are all less than 10 min apart.  It's really annoying process on my semi-smart phone.   And then of course when I travel for work, of course I have to reset.

So given all this pain I have to go through to legitimately access my account , how can WoW accounts still be so vulnerable?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Guess WoW is still worth hacking, Mobile Auction House Down "Indefinitely"

I don't understand why anyone would buy gold these days.

Emergency Maintenance - WoW Forums
World of Warcraft Mobile Auction House Hacked - PCGamesN
Alleged Mobile Armory Hack -WoW Insider

I'm not sure what's sadder, that there was some way to exploit accounts through the mobile auction house; or how truly terrible the in-game auction house UI is.  Gah, guess I'm done with auctions until this is back.

Beat me to it!

Well bugger, outdone by my offspring.  I guess my first post has to be linking to her first blog since she beat me to it. :)
