
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Heartbleed - Sites affected

Here is a compilation of sites that were/were not affected by Heartbleed and whether you should change your password.

The Heartbleed Hit List

And you can test the status of a server here: Heartbleed Test

If you are not already aware of Heartbleed, it is a vulnerability in OpenSSL that was recently publicized. Unfortunately it has existed for quite a long time so the real impact is unclear.

OpenSSL is a protocol some websites have used to provide secure access.  When you see "https:" and the little lock sign saying you're secure, apparently sometimes this hasn't been the case. This isn't a virus that spreads (not an exploit that gets downloaded to your PC).  It was a bug in the code the servers deployed that allowed someone unauthorized to view the supposed secure data coming into the server.

Once you know a website has been patched you should change your password in case any one had access to your login data.  And it would be good to change any other passwords if you share them across sites (and stop that!).

Friday, April 11, 2014

Free Stuff! - Dead Space

Ok, ok I know it's Origin, but if you are stuck with it for another game anyway, might as well get free stuff!

Don't forget to check for the "On the House" games periodically.  Once you pick them up they are yours, these are not trial games, but they do tend to be older ones.

Currently available - Dead Space (PC only)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

SimCity - Offline: Hopefully Not Out of Development

Alright, gonna have to pick this up one more time, since SimCity finally allows offline play.

I have been disappointed that (with the supposed reliance on online play/cloudish behavior and implied choice to focus on dlc instead of allowing modding ability) there haven't been more regular updates to the game content and engine tuning.  Maybe (hopefully) it's because they have been hard at work with this reengineering effort and now they can focus back on innovation.

My reticence to getting truly excited is due to some pretty significant lingering issues with the economy and AI in online multi-player mode when that was what the game was supposed to be designed for...Then the expansion pack, while somewhat focused on "fixing" the small map sizes by building up, didn't really alleviate issues with long-term play and expansion.

I really hope offline mode isn't the last crumb being thrown to the crowd before killing off a disappointing release for good.